Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Text File
147 lines
% ------------
% ------------
% Protocol ASCII
% ; Type Batch
% ; Type Errorlevel
% ; Type Bi
% Type Opus
% LogFile Ascii%K.Log
% ControlFile Ascii%K.Ctl
% DownloadCmd Ascii.Exe Ascii%K.Ctl -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
% UploadCmd Ascii.Exe Ascii%K.Ctl -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
% DownloadString Send %s
% UploadString Get %s
% DownloadKeyword Sent
% UploadKeyword Got
% FilenameWord 1
% DescriptWord 4
% End Protocol
% Protocol Kermit
% Type Batch
% ; Type Errorlevel
% ; Type Bi
% Type Opus
% LogFile Kermit%K.Log
% ControlFile Kermit%K.Ctl
% DownloadCmd Kermit.Exe Kermit%K.Ctl -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
% UploadCmd Kermit.Exe Kermit%K.Ctl -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t
% DownloadString Send %s
% UploadString Get %s
% DownloadKeyword Sent
% UploadKeyword Got
% FilenameWord 1
% DescriptWord 4
% End Protocol
% MPt protocol. This is the protocol designed by MPt Systems. To use,
% simply uncomment this protocol and place MPT.EXE in your \MAX directory.
% Protocol MPt
% Type Batch
% ; Type Errorlevel
% ; Type Bi
% ; Type Opus
% LogFile Mpt.Log
% ControlFile Mpt.Ctl
% DownloadCmd mpt A+ B- D+ F+ N+ P%P S0 M- W- HF Lmpt.log s @mpt.ctl
% UploadCmd mpt A+ B- D+ F+ N+ P%P S0 M- W- HF Lmpt.log r %v
% DownloadString %s
% UploadString
% DownloadKeyword S
% UploadKeyword R
% FilenameWord 10
% DescriptWord 0
% End Protocol
% Puma protocol. This is the protocol designed by MPt Systems. To use,
% simply uncomment this protocol and place MPT.EXE in your \MAX directory.
Protocol Puma
Type Batch
; Type Errorlevel
; Type Bi
; Type Opus
LogFile Puma.Log
ControlFile Puma.Ctl
DownloadCmd puma A+ B- D+ F+ N+ P%P S0 M- W- HF puma.log s @puma.ctl
UploadCmd puma A+ B- D+ F+ N+ P%P S0 M- W- HF puma.log r %v
DownloadString %s
DownloadKeyword S
UploadKeyword R
FilenameWord 10
DescriptWord 0
End Protocol
% Zmodem-90 MobyTurbo protocol. To use, uncomment this protocol and
% place DSZ.EXE or DSZ.COM in your \MAX directory.
% NOTE! You must create the following RDSZ.BAT in your Max directory
% to ensure that DSZ handles transfers correctly:
% echo off
% set dszlog=%1
% dsz port %2 speed %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
% set dszlog=
% Without this batch file, protocol logging will not be enabled.
% WARNING! A registered copy of DSZ is required to properly handle
% uploads. Without a registered copy, uploads will be placed into
% your \MAX directory!
% Protocol DSZ/Moby
% Type Batch
% ; Type Errorlevel
% ; Type Bi
% ; Type Opus
% LogFile DSZ%K.Log
% ControlFile DSZ%K.Ctl
% DownloadCmd command.com /c rdsz DSZ%K.Log %P %W ha both sz -m -Z @%x:DSZ%K.Ctl
% UploadCmd command.com /c rdsz DSZ%K.Log %P %W ha both rz %v
% DownloadString %s
% UploadString
% DownloadKeyword z
% UploadKeyword Z
% FilenameWord 10
% DescriptWord 0
% End Protocol
% The BiModem protocol from Erik Labs. To use, simply uncomment this
% protocol entry and place BIMODEM.COM and associated configuration
% files in the \MAX directory.
% Protocol BiModem
% Type Batch
% ; Type Errorlevel
% Type Bi
% ; Type Opus
% LogFile Bimodem.Log
% ControlFile Bimodem.Ctl
% DownloadCmd bimodem /B %W /L %P /T %t /R %V /U @Bimodem.Ctl
% UploadCmd bimodem /B %W /L %P /T %t /R %V
% DownloadString %s
% UploadString
% DownloadKeyword " S "
% UploadKeyword " R "
% FilenameWord 5
% DescriptWord 0
% End Protocol